Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

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1 Subject

Week 6 DB Class Presentation

Week 6 DB Class Presentation

Q After studying the available material this week, prepare a class presentation that describes the connection between the Mind and Body as it relates to yourself. Be sure to include both theory from the reading and personal experiences. You may choose among the following formats to present your work. Essay (300 words), PowerPoint (5 slides not including title and work cited slide), Voice ( 2 minutes), or video (that you create, 2 minutes), an original Poem that you write, or drawing. Whichever format you choose it must show that you have done the readings and understand the material. See the rubric attached that will be used for grading .

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Stress is defined as the body’s response to physical, mental or emotional pressure . Stress causes chemical changes in the body and which can affects different physiological functions such as increasing blood pressure, irregular heart rate and blood sugar levels . It can also leads to different mood swings, anxiety and depression . It is very important for a human being to cope up with this stress and to lead a healthy life.